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Just can't wait

i dont know how to play the game becasue im trying to download it on my tablet but it doesnt work so im trying to do it on my laptop and it still doeset work

I MUST have this game. Amaaaazing! Please add English voice over and keep the game cheap. You deserve so much credit for this so far. LOVE IT.

this demo really makes me want the whole thing! definitely adding it on steam for later. very interesting world i can't wait to delve more into. kudos!

(1 edit)


I can't wait


If u need localization for Indonesian language you can contact me, I will do it for free just for you, because I love the game.


Please continue making the game

This was so cute and terrifying!! So hyped for the full release :D

Есть ли примерная дата выхода?

Я пытался найти, не нашёл(

В стиме указан 2024. Но вот еще один вопрос жива ли игра?!

Жива, модели всего один чувачок делает просто  ☻


I really want the full game to be free

Would you also be willing to work full time for your boss for a couple months for free without pay?


Hello! Is there any plan to add a female MC? I'd love to see a female MC date Mita!


I agree



Nahh, the dev are Russian, their country banning that type of content. I agree with them though.

Eu realmente adorei esse jogo, ele é muito bonito, passa uma vibe bem terror em alguns momentos do jogo.

Estou muito ansioso para que conclua o jogo <3

Lança pra mobile 🤙

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