I'm not gonna lie, I really did thought this was going to be a bad version of Yandere Simulator. This game prove me wrong. I like how its a mixture of other games I have played in the past into one game. I mean shooting, novel, dating simluator, Dance Dance Revolution, Racing, and of course Horror. I'm really impress by this game and will play more of you guys game.
I feel like a lot of devs don't upload the full version on itch if they have a choice because you get access to the entire .exe file with dependencies plain as day. So it makes it extremely simple to go on some torrent and upload the entire game, but i'm pretty sure steam has some encryption. It would still be possible to pirate the game but it would much harder. When 35% of Pc gamers are pirating I think that makes a big difference
It doesn't really matter since you can already pirate it anyway. And to be honest I pirated this game lol! But I want to buy it now, but not from Steam. I'd like to support other platforms since steam has the monopoly in the game selling market and I want tosupport the devs with low fess.
Hello, can developers state that money spent on this game go to russian economy or it isn’t? There is a huge debate from Ukrainians, Europeans whether they should buy this game, i know there is a Ukrainian language in the game which is great, as a game itself, but this question still remains. Thank you
The Developer is Russian, it is idiotic to think that they wouldn't store their own money in their own country, just because there's a war started by their president.
If you really cared about morality and war economy, a clear deterrent for you, then the American and European game industry wouldn't exist anymore in your eyes due to their larger lists of war crimes and stained hand, or you'd be a hypocrite.
So just enjoy the game, and play it. It's amazing.
What US and Europe do is not even remotely comparable with what russians do, please. See their atrocities in Butcha. And there are many cities like Butcha. Besides, have US or any European country annexed anything after UN was founded in 1945? Because russia did.
I have friends who had to flee their homes, I have colleagues who died defending their country. The downtown of my city is ruins after russian missile. So f russia.
The US invasion and occupation of Iraq have upper estimates of over 1 million dead, which is likely accurate. That's just one US war. It is the dominate superpower involved in conflict globally.
People forget the US drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They literally would drone strike weddings. Drones were often set to 60% certainty, meaning they would strike targets which 40% of the time weren't the person they were looking to kill.
Among US allies, I would point to Turkey (a NATO member), which invaded and occupied half of Cyprus (an EU member) in the 1970s, and maintains that occupation today.
When it comes to Ukraine, German former Chancellor Merkel has opened admitted the Minsk Agreements were a scam, a fraud, meant to buy time to build up and arm Ukraine for a war with Russia. The US and its allies never genuinely tried to find a peaceful solution. They wanted a war in Ukraine to bleed and weaken Russia, and it is Ukrainians who suffer to this end. Meanwhile, German, Russian, and American arms manufacturers have been greatly enriched by the war, and it has been used as a test bed for new weapons on both sides.
So sure, point out Russian atrocities, but don't act like the other side is any better. Honestly, when I have the money, I'm gonna go ahead and buy this game just because of stupid crap like this. No dev deserves to be punished for the actions of their government.
Could you please explain how the fuck are americans commiting war crimes in Iraq justify russians genociding ukrainians? I'm just not really sure how does it make sense for you. Does this mean that your neighbor can come to your house and delete your family in front of you and then go ''Oh yeah, that's just cuz americans commited crimes 20 years ago''.
If that's how you took what I said, you're a fool. I wasn't justifying the Russians. I was just breaking down ray.mints narrative, and I barely scratched the surface of what the US did and is still doing since that time because I didn't want an utterly ridiculous text wall no one was going to read. At the end, I clearly said point out Russian atrocities. I justified nothing. You just don't have good reading comprehension. Both side are bad in that war, but most will take a brainwashed position of one side or the other being good. It's just sad.
Yeah, just so you know: Back when USA invaded Iraq the gamedev wasn't really a thing.
Now, you are pretty much paying for the bombing of ukrainian cities. But I'm sure you have no problem with pretty much paying for genocide to continue. Congrats, you are a hypocrite yourself.
So I have a problem here that I'd like to address, because I see it happening on itch all the time. This dev, like others, has a version of the demo here on itch which is a DRM-free platform for the most part with offline installers that don't require a client to play. However, now I am being forced to buy the full game on a DRM platform that requires a client to play. Why even put the game on itch.io if you're just going to exclusively lock it to Steam? Not everyone wants to use Steam to play their games. I hope that eventually the dev will actually sell the game on this platform instead of just providing a demo.
Yeah same with me... I have cut ties with steam and am definetly not gonna buy it on there. Its a shame, because I would really like to try out the game and support the creator, but like this I wont be able to do either of those things...
The game sold a million freaking copies. I get it "piracy" and everything, but these guys sold more copies of one game than most devs sell in their entire lifetimes. I don't want to have to buy this thing on Steam. You made your money, now give the folks at itch something other than a taste of it. They can either release the full game or delete this page.
I have now started the Christmas update in search of differences from the original version, as well as looking for more secrets. CHRISTMAS UPDATE PART 1:
It was an interesting experience, and beyond its intriguing story, I fell in love with its beautiful environment. It truly had a delightful atmosphere.
А космология Miside представляет собой бесконечную иерархию алефов, каждая из который превосходит саму-себя, где также существует квантовая физика ( Модальный Реализм, Расширенный модальный реализм, Многомировая интерпретация и т.д.)? А также Мита превосходит всю эту структуру?
Привіт тим хто з Україні. Мені сподобалася Демо гра (на itch.io лише демка), у стім можна отримати гру у бібліотеку за 325 грн. У грі є українська текстова локалізація, це диво, бо гра від росіян враховуючи що є boosty сторінка та російська озвучка. Але платити не буду, лол. 300 грн зараз Batman Arkham Knight (враховую ціну без знижок) коштує, чи одна із частин метро або сталкер, або ще щось де час гри більший за ту саму ціну. P.S: Хлопці чи дівчата які робили укр переклад, спасибі, але з іншого боку, а навіщо саме (ймовірно) російську гру...
Я мало не купив її в стімі. На щастя, підписаний на куратора, що помічає російські ігри. Не хочу вкладати гроші у те, щоб мені в місто вкотре прилетіла ракета.
Якщо розробники кудись переїдуть і будуть платити в бюджет іншої країни, тоді можна буде купити. Ну або якщо війна завершиться і в рф зміниться режим на такий, що не хоче захоплювати світ.
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aaaa I wish there was a mac version so badly (╥﹏╥)
Sadly Mac is a pain the develop for and it's such a small market that it's not worth the time or effort to do so.
will you make an ios version?
Cool played the demo maybe I pick up the whole game on a sale
Hi guys, please have it on ps5 system, i will buy it immediately!
Game was awesome!!!
like style
I wish the Arabic language please 😰😰😓😓
Great Artstyle
Sell a full copy here and I'll buy one. I prefer to support itch than Steam. Steam loves to delete games for little reason.
yea agree
Could you please upload the game on Itch.io, so that my purchase of the game gives you more money? Steam takes a 30% cut last time I checked!
I feel like a lot of devs don't upload the full version on itch if they have a choice because you get access to the entire .exe file with dependencies plain as day. So it makes it extremely simple to go on some torrent and upload the entire game, but i'm pretty sure steam has some encryption. It would still be possible to pirate the game but it would much harder. When 35% of Pc gamers are pirating I think that makes a big difference
It doesn't really matter since you can already pirate it anyway. And to be honest I pirated this game lol!
But I want to buy it now, but not from Steam. I'd like to support other platforms since steam has the monopoly in the game selling market and I want tosupport the devs with low fess.
damn if you could pirated NO ROOM IN HELL well be great steam wont be supporting windows 10 in future so you will be doing be servise
What is this supposed to mean. I use linux so idc
I bought the game on steam because I couldn't wait. I hope they release a non steam version tho.
Damn... I really wish there is a way to help Miside from the corridor... really heart breaking to leave her.
Mita All Costumes.
Hello, can developers state that money spent on this game go to russian economy or it isn’t?
There is a huge debate from Ukrainians, Europeans whether they should buy this game, i know there is a Ukrainian language in the game which is great, as a game itself, but this question still remains. Thank you
The Developer is Russian, it is idiotic to think that they wouldn't store their own money in their own country, just because there's a war started by their president.
If you really cared about morality and war economy, a clear deterrent for you, then the American and European game industry wouldn't exist anymore in your eyes due to their larger lists of war crimes and stained hand, or you'd be a hypocrite.
So just enjoy the game, and play it. It's amazing.
What US and Europe do is not even remotely comparable with what russians do, please. See their atrocities in Butcha. And there are many cities like Butcha. Besides, have US or any European country annexed anything after UN was founded in 1945? Because russia did.
I have friends who had to flee their homes, I have colleagues who died defending their country. The downtown of my city is ruins after russian missile. So f russia.
The US invasion and occupation of Iraq have upper estimates of over 1 million dead, which is likely accurate. That's just one US war. It is the dominate superpower involved in conflict globally.
People forget the US drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They literally would drone strike weddings. Drones were often set to 60% certainty, meaning they would strike targets which 40% of the time weren't the person they were looking to kill.
Among US allies, I would point to Turkey (a NATO member), which invaded and occupied half of Cyprus (an EU member) in the 1970s, and maintains that occupation today.
When it comes to Ukraine, German former Chancellor Merkel has opened admitted the Minsk Agreements were a scam, a fraud, meant to buy time to build up and arm Ukraine for a war with Russia. The US and its allies never genuinely tried to find a peaceful solution. They wanted a war in Ukraine to bleed and weaken Russia, and it is Ukrainians who suffer to this end. Meanwhile, German, Russian, and American arms manufacturers have been greatly enriched by the war, and it has been used as a test bed for new weapons on both sides.
So sure, point out Russian atrocities, but don't act like the other side is any better. Honestly, when I have the money, I'm gonna go ahead and buy this game just because of stupid crap like this. No dev deserves to be punished for the actions of their government.
Could you please explain how the fuck are americans commiting war crimes in Iraq justify russians genociding ukrainians?
I'm just not really sure how does it make sense for you. Does this mean that your neighbor can come to your house and delete your family in front of you and then go ''Oh yeah, that's just cuz americans commited crimes 20 years ago''.
If that's how you took what I said, you're a fool. I wasn't justifying the Russians. I was just breaking down ray.mints narrative, and I barely scratched the surface of what the US did and is still doing since that time because I didn't want an utterly ridiculous text wall no one was going to read. At the end, I clearly said point out Russian atrocities. I justified nothing. You just don't have good reading comprehension. Both side are bad in that war, but most will take a brainwashed position of one side or the other being good. It's just sad.
Yeah, just so you know: Back when USA invaded Iraq the gamedev wasn't really a thing.
Now, you are pretty much paying for the bombing of ukrainian cities. But I'm sure you have no problem with pretty much paying for genocide to continue. Congrats, you are a hypocrite yourself.
I sure as hell dont have a problem. Im just gonna play a ruski game and pay for it idc
Don’t worry Jimmy, no one expects american to have a dignity anyways.
is this the full game?
I wish it has a Android version 😔
So I have a problem here that I'd like to address, because I see it happening on itch all the time. This dev, like others, has a version of the demo here on itch which is a DRM-free platform for the most part with offline installers that don't require a client to play. However, now I am being forced to buy the full game on a DRM platform that requires a client to play. Why even put the game on itch.io if you're just going to exclusively lock it to Steam? Not everyone wants to use Steam to play their games. I hope that eventually the dev will actually sell the game on this platform instead of just providing a demo.
Yeah same with me... I have cut ties with steam and am definetly not gonna buy it on there. Its a shame, because I would really like to try out the game and support the creator, but like this I wont be able to do either of those things...
The game sold a million freaking copies. I get it "piracy" and everything, but these guys sold more copies of one game than most devs sell in their entire lifetimes. I don't want to have to buy this thing on Steam. You made your money, now give the folks at itch something other than a taste of it. They can either release the full game or delete this page.
This is has to be the best horror game of the 2020s
I found another ending. Very interesting.
I have now started the Christmas update in search of differences from the original version, as well as looking for more secrets. CHRISTMAS UPDATE PART 1:
I've just posted a new video on the game, check it out if you like it.
А что за движок?
Я надеюсь не богомерзкий UE5
Почему багомерзкий?
Exploring the game and trying to discover all the secrets. ALL MITAS HERE:
It was an interesting experience, and beyond its intriguing story, I fell in love with its beautiful environment. It truly had a delightful atmosphere.
А космология Miside представляет собой бесконечную иерархию алефов, каждая из который превосходит саму-себя, где также существует квантовая физика ( Модальный Реализм, Расширенный модальный реализм, Многомировая интерпретация и т.д.)? А также Мита превосходит всю эту структуру?
Here is my part 2 gameplay of MiSide really gotta say, I fell in love with MITA.
take a shower
So uhhm.
I don't know about this but.
Is this a virus? You never said a thing about porting your game to mobile.
this ain't official and I think this is the one I found with a virus
tip: if a apk has no image it is a virus
Yes, phising scam i checked with triage. U can see the report below. And also did reported to github.
Always ensure website is valid by checking via triage!
Привіт тим хто з Україні. Мені сподобалася Демо гра (на itch.io лише демка), у стім можна отримати гру у бібліотеку за 325 грн. У грі є українська текстова локалізація, це диво, бо гра від росіян враховуючи що є boosty сторінка та російська озвучка. Але платити не буду, лол. 300 грн зараз Batman Arkham Knight (враховую ціну без знижок) коштує, чи одна із частин метро або сталкер, або ще щось де час гри більший за ту саму ціну.
P.S: Хлопці чи дівчата які робили укр переклад, спасибі, але з іншого боку, а навіщо саме (ймовірно) російську гру...
Я мало не купив її в стімі. На щастя, підписаний на куратора, що помічає російські ігри. Не хочу вкладати гроші у те, щоб мені в місто вкотре прилетіла ракета.
Якщо розробники кудись переїдуть і будуть платити в бюджет іншої країни, тоді можна буде купити. Ну або якщо війна завершиться і в рф зміниться режим на такий, що не хоче захоплювати світ.