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Hello dear developers of the MiSide game. I really liked your game and I especially liked Mita. On a special site, I created her as an AI character. I used the dialogues from the demo to teach the character. Now anyone can communicate with Mita in the form of artificial intelligence.

I wanted to know if I can post a link to the character in the comments? I have not seen a ban on this anywhere.

Here is the link:

In discord, I saw a ban on links, so I did not send it there.

I apologize if links are not allowed on this site. It's just that to improve the character's responses, I need to increase the number of people interacting with her. Sorry for my bad English, I used a translator from Russian. Thank you for all your work! With love from Russia.


Можешь кинуть в дс, мы не баним особо ссылки. Главное не спамь ☺


Спасибо) Не знал, что вы тоже знаете русский.

(1 edit)

Бро, геніальний бот вийшов


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Мне нравится, помогает показать эмоции
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невероятно ! спасибо разработчикам за такую классную игру !!! полная версия ребятки не жду !!! вот вам рисуночек от меня !!!


Спасибо! Очень красиво ☺



este juego sin dudas tiene mucho potencial, si la version completa llega a costar dinero.... sin dudas lo voy a comprar >:D

Классная игра!

Прошел за 30 минут, теперь жду продолжения)))


Same im stuck at exeplary text

no se puede descomprimir :( sale q esta dañado 

u can write

Génial, franchement, continue sur cette voix ! ce qui pourrai être cool a faire, ca serai de lui faire plus d'émotions et de faire plus de choix,  j'espère aussi qui aura plusieurs fin, pour l'instant elle a l'air très gentils.
d'ailleurs pour les autre personne qui on fais la démo, on est d'accord que au début, quand on fais les changement de version, et qu'on doit trouver les pilles, on est d'accord que c'est pas la même filles ?  

думал поиграю в милую игру про тянку; потом думал, что играю в хоррор; в итоге сгорела задница на файтинге. интересная игра, конечно.

Un juegazo 10/10. Espero la version completa porque se nota que el desarrollador tiene potencial!


10/10 Y GOD

This game is simply amazing, it scared me at the end and i'm looking forward to the full version <3.

My friend called me a pervert for some reasons.


Great game! Super exited for the full game.

how come when I go to open the game after I extract the files it won't open?

I can't get past the start. It tells me to type a name, but the keyboard doesn't work. 

buy a new keyboard. It works fine

buy a new brain because it doesn't

You're the only one who had this problem.  The advice is valid. So buy a new keyboard and a brain as well because being a kpop stan made you forget the basic of having a good working keyboard (and brain)

(1 edit)

Your advice makes no sense, you need a new brain because being a jpop stan made you forget how technology works.

buy a new keyboard or get a real good pc to replace your potato pc/laptop



why are us in the game

ich finde doof das ich das Spiel nicht spielen durfte weil ich ein iPad habe.

This demo was defiantly interesting using the arrows to cut the veggies was torture


I like the demo of the game, i want the full game

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yo this is cool

J'ai adoré le jeu !

J'ai beaucoup aimer, très original! Impatiente de voir la version finale =)

Bon travail!

Deleted 1 year ago

There is absolutely no way this game is still in demo. This is just perfection..

Great visuals! 

Another Yandere Banger
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