If the executable is compiled with gcc, the developer might need to use the -O2 flag (or -O3) so the code is still readable for Windows Defender.
With that said, Windows Defender is not great at detecting actual threats. Some online 'wisdom' is to ignore it by putting the executable in a folder that you'll mark for Defender not to scan. But you should still always use a virus scanner, and perhaps even submit the file for online virus checking (such as VirusTotal).
игра очень крутая, спасибо большое что добавили апдейт лист, озвучка получилась хорошая у Миты, но лично я, как и многие, считаю, что игра прекрасна и без озвучки, без нее даже атмосферней. жду с нетерпением фулл
The demo Is so good! I have high hopes for this game and can't wait to play it! The small little glitches to the music and the subtitles falling are just the small details I love. Keep it up!
For some reason when ever I play the game my character moves to the left even with out me using the A/Left arrow key. I don´t know why that´s happening but it´s kinda annoying the the Character does that. is there a way to fix that?
I always use the newest version of the demo that comes out, how ever, the problem is still there for what ever reason. Even in the update before this one didn´t fix it. The update that came out now, I still have to play. Then I can say more.How ever even if I unplug the controller from the PC the character still moves to the left on its own.
Игра супер! Озвучка супер, приятная и качественная. Визуал очень приятен. Атмосфера всегда на высшем уровне! Мита очень милая и довольна приятная. Я жду, не дождусь когда выйдет полная версия игры. Вы супер!
I absolutely enjoyed this game and I really can’t wait to see the full release! I loved all the little details and the foreshadowing too :3 I also lowkey like Mita and would stay with her LOL She's just so cute~
Начнём с того что тут уже в бете есть русский язык, а значит если игра выйдет в стиме, то она получит огласку от российских летсплееров. Игра уже сейчас реально крутая и в неё можно интересно поиграть. Буду ждать официальный релиз и лучше если бы он был сразу в стим.
To do that, the game would have to break the following security barriers:
Run as admin
Bypass Anti-Virus without being detected.
Gain access to Ring 0 for direct hardware IO
Wipe the volatile BIOS storage
Conclusion: Your BIOS battery died and the settings got deleted. Most of the BIOS batteries are lithium, so they hold their voltage until they are truely dead/end of life.
Just buy a new coin cell, you can get in any store for $1-2.
i like this game so much , it's also surprising that the game is made by suck a small team!i really appreciate u,hope to play the full version!(horror,qaq.)
I had a heck of a lot of fun with this game, and will 100% be purchasing the full version when it releases. All of the little weird things, like the missing knife, the odd pictures, the thing in the cage, some sort of other version that knows you are there that could possibly help.... so good!
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Best Yandere Game EVER!! Here is my gameplay on it, I hope it makes you smile
а где можно приобрести полную версию? Просто сегодня загуглил, оказывается полная версия вышла. Где и как модно её приобрести
Релиз запланирован на 1 квартал 2024 года в Steam. Достоверную информацию найдете только на нашем Дискорд-сервере, либо в группе ВК.
а, всё. Спасибо за ответ.
If the executable is compiled with gcc, the developer might need to use the -O2 flag (or -O3) so the code is still readable for Windows Defender.
With that said, Windows Defender is not great at detecting actual threats. Some online 'wisdom' is to ignore it by putting the executable in a folder that you'll mark for Defender not to scan. But you should still always use a virus scanner, and perhaps even submit the file for online virus checking (such as VirusTotal).
игра очень крутая, спасибо большое что добавили апдейт лист, озвучка получилась хорошая у Миты, но лично я, как и многие, считаю, что игра прекрасна и без озвучки, без нее даже атмосферней. жду с нетерпением фулл
Very cool game!
The demo Is so good! I have high hopes for this game and can't wait to play it! The small little glitches to the music and the subtitles falling are just the small details I love. Keep it up!
Let's Play - MiSide
Very good game! I'm going to wait impatiently for the full game!
For some reason when ever I play the game my character moves to the left even with out me using the A/Left arrow key. I don´t know why that´s happening but it´s kinda annoying the the Character does that. is there a way to fix that?
Are you used old version? There was an issue with gamepad connected to pc.
I always use the newest version of the demo that comes out, how ever, the problem is still there for what ever reason. Even in the update before this one didn´t fix it. The update that came out now, I still have to play. Then I can say more.How ever even if I unplug the controller from the PC the character still moves to the left on its own.
did you try pressing a/left arrow key? i have an issue where other games do this, so this usually fixes my problem.
блин при озвучки от дримкаст у миты тиховатый голос по сравнению с гг, а так же голос гг слишком мужественный для его внешки
но а так озвучка супер
жду новых обновлений)
Игра супер! Озвучка супер, приятная и качественная. Визуал очень приятен. Атмосфера всегда на высшем уровне! Мита очень милая и довольна приятная. Я жду, не дождусь когда выйдет полная версия игры. Вы супер!
I Cant wait for the full version even though its in 2024 i want it to come out early
True lol
What ending did you get before, I thought there was only one for now?
MiSide - Mita Voice Russian (MiSide New Update Version 1.15)
I absolutely enjoyed this game and I really can’t wait to see the full release! I loved all the little details and the foreshadowing too :3 I also lowkey like Mita and would stay with her LOL She's just so cute~
Gonna check out the update when i get the time and i believe i will be here for a while
Did the game get a new update?
Игра зашла на ура. Жду фулл
Oooh, new update?
Начнём с того что тут уже в бете есть русский язык, а значит если игра выйдет в стиме, то она получит огласку от российских летсплееров. Игра уже сейчас реально крутая и в неё можно интересно поиграть. Буду ждать официальный релиз и лучше если бы он был сразу в стим.
так и будет ☻
а релиз не планируется в itch io? а то по нему уже все снимают вашу игру! (тоже что и я).
Только стим.
жаль но я надеюсь в релизе она платной не будет?
Это очень приятно слышать! А если не секрет, какой будет прайс на игру? Или ещё не было решено?
Про цену, около 300 рублей, предварительно.
как же супер когда разрабы из россии
That demo was pretty fun. Strange and creepy, excited to see the full game in the future!
shit made my bios reset -_- wth?
To do that, the game would have to break the following security barriers:
Conclusion: Your BIOS battery died and the settings got deleted. Most of the BIOS batteries are lithium, so they hold their voltage until they are truely dead/end of life.
Just buy a new coin cell, you can get in any store for $1-2.
i like this game so much , it's also surprising that the game is made by suck a small team!i really appreciate u,hope to play the full version!(horror,qaq.)
We need some "serums" to help make our dear girl "gigantic".
whats the update about?
the game turned out to be cool! I'm waiting for a full exit. Please finish it!
I had a heck of a lot of fun with this game, and will 100% be purchasing the full version when it releases. All of the little weird things, like the missing knife, the odd pictures, the thing in the cage, some sort of other version that knows you are there that could possibly help.... so good!
this game is mega nice and mita has no idea what i am
MiSide - Alternative Menu (Yandere Mita)
lol this game was so creepy and fun