Очень годная игра. Только начал было проходить, но уже чувствуется динамика, стиль и подход разработчиков :) Не могу описать свои чувства, но время, пока играю, пролетает незаметно, чего у меня не было уже давно.
What buttoms do you press to slice the carrot? I tried slicing it but my mouse goes away and it wont drag down the dot to slice the carrot, do you have to do something else?
I love it. the animations are great and I'm very interested if this is going to be one of those games with many endings. P.S. I downloaded this thinking it was a nice friendly game where you take care of a girl... I think I was wrong when I got to the scary section. Mita scared the living shit out of me after that part.
Dude, take ur time to realize your game Aihasto, with the first demo we knew this was going to be something cool, and the good things takes time, so stay chill, and keep working my fellow
i dont know how to play the game becasue im trying to download it on my tablet but it doesnt work so im trying to do it on my laptop and it still doeset work
this demo really makes me want the whole thing! definitely adding it on steam for later. very interesting world i can't wait to delve more into. kudos!
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What a wild ride... one of the best games I've played in my life.
Alguien sabe como descargarlo completo en español
Очень годная игра. Только начал было проходить, но уже чувствуется динамика, стиль и подход разработчиков :) Не могу описать свои чувства, но время, пока играю, пролетает незаметно, чего у меня не было уже давно.
aaah I just finished finals week I'm so excited to play the updated demo
Me playing the full game here! Quite a wild ride i will add my review here in the future
truly one of the best games i've ever experienced. very amazing game!
The full version is so well made! Couldn't finish it in this video but next video I'll complete the whole thing. No matter how long it takes!
part 2. little mita try to kill me
The jumpscares, atmosphere and story is very good so far.
Really wish it was on android and ios :(
What buttoms do you press to slice the carrot? I tried slicing it but my mouse goes away and it wont drag down the dot to slice the carrot, do you have to do something else?
will there be s3x mode??
why the h3ll.
d1 level gooner activities
wtf bro
My pretend gf has finally lost her marbles, joking aside love the full game you guys put out and can't wait for the peaceful mode update to come out!
May i ask if this game has any plans to come to MacOS or Lunix?
May I ask when you're going to get windows?
why be a dickhead?
May i ask why you can't just use wine?
I The Demo of from last year and so far this game is pretty good, cappy mita needs to stop staring at me like we got a problem.
I'd love the idea of a mod where you're able to switch your gender or Mita's gender.
don't come to us with this shit, nobody likes you.
I see nothing wrong with the ability to change the gender, but you do you. =p
just bought and finished my first ending great game. now we need a R18+ ver
agree :)
you suck
highly ultimately agreed
I want to stay :(((
Mod support would be great
wdym by that
so the game can be MODified by third parties / players
the seekers the finders
I love it. the animations are great and I'm very interested if this is going to be one of those games with many endings. P.S. I downloaded this thinking it was a nice friendly game where you take care of a girl... I think I was wrong when I got to the scary section. Mita scared the living shit out of me after that part.
Dude, take ur time to realize your game Aihasto, with the first demo we knew this was going to be something cool, and the good things takes time, so stay chill, and keep working my fellow
It's not time to be making more demos if you still plan to release the final in 2024.
Looking forward to the full game. Gimme dat Fan service
Can't wait for the full game!
ДАТА ВЫХОДА ИГРЫ : 11.12.2024
GAME RELEASE DATE : 11.12.2024
откуда знаешь ?
how do you know ?
The world is just so appealing that I don't mind staying despite all the weird stuff happening 😅 That choice at the end crushed me. Great demo!
Honestly cant wait till the game is out had fun with the demo! check my gameplay out!
Отличная игра, хорошо оптимизирована) Жду выхода
Супер игра! Клёво что есть озвучка на русском:)
печально, нам обнову с японской озвучкой выкатывать похоже не собираются.
Super looking forward to this game when its done. Most fun i had in a long while. I was kinda ready for the jump scare at all times XD
Just can't wait
i dont know how to play the game becasue im trying to download it on my tablet but it doesnt work so im trying to do it on my laptop and it still doeset work
I MUST have this game. Amaaaazing! Please add English voice over and keep the game cheap. You deserve so much credit for this so far. LOVE IT.
this demo really makes me want the whole thing! definitely adding it on steam for later. very interesting world i can't wait to delve more into. kudos!